
Undergraduate Supreme Councilor

2020-2022 Undergraduate Supreme Councilors Michael C. de Botton, Alpha Psi (Pennsylvania State University) 2023, and Jordan E. Pardo, Alpha Omicron (University of Arizona) 2022, visited the White House as part of their travels for ZBT.

Have you enjoyed your ZBT experience and have an interest in representing the voice of thousands of other ZBT undergraduates across the world? For decades, ZBT has reserved four voting director roles on the Supreme Council, the Fraternity’s governing body, for undergraduate leaders.

Applications for the 2025-2027 term  will open in spring 2025.

If you are interested in this opportunity,  download the job description, which outlines the benefits of and requirements for service on the Supreme Council. To qualify, you must be a brother in good standing and have a graduation date no earlier two years after the next convention. For the upcoming term, that means applicants may not graduate until after July 2027.

After completing an application, brothers go through an interview process.

For questions, contact ZBT International Headquarters.


  • “As an Undergraduate Supreme Councilor, I acted as a true voice for all undergraduate brothers. Through service on the Council, I believe that we can create new and innovative ways for alumni and undergraduate brothers to get involved with the organization and get the most out of their ZBT experience.”

    Marc R. Schwartz

    University of Alabama 2017

  • “As fraternity men, we have the unique ability to get involved in ZBT and in our communities. I pride myself on the relationships that I have made. I would like to challenge all of my brothers nationwide to consider the legacy that they are leaving behind.”

    Jeremy R. Lerner

    Theta Alpha
    University of Massachusetts at Amherst 2016

  • “I give back to ZBT because the more time and energy I’ve put into ZBT, the more I get out of it. I truly believe that there is no better place for a college student to learn and grow into a respectable and functioning man within society than ZBT.”

    Eli R. Seidman

    Epsilon Mu
    University of Kansas 2015