
You are not alone — Report antisemitic incidents. We can help.

ZBT is proud of the work we do to combat hate, raise awareness of antisemitism and stand up for Israel as the world’s first Jewish fraternity. Sadly, our undergraduate brothers and their Jewish peers on campus continue to be targets of hate culture in many locations.

Since the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, 73% of Jewish college students surveyed have experienced or witnessed some form of antisemitism . A plurality of Jewish college students reported that they do not feel physically safe on campus after October 7, and even fewer feel emotionally safe. ZBT is responding immediately and watchfully, working with universities, alumni and Jewish campus agencies to support our students. Unfortunately, there are many instances to cite, and the number is rising.

If you are at immediate risk or feel threatened, call 911.

If you or your brothers are targeted, here are some additional resources from ZBT and our partners for reporting incidents and getting support.

Report a hate crime

By sharing incidents with us, we are able to provide support, identify patterns and trends, and ensure that colleges and universities are working to ensure that all students feel safe and included on campus.


This site is operated in partnership between Hillel International, the Anti-Defamation League, the Secure Community Network with support from ZBT.

Israel Campus Coalition hotline

ZBTs can find support from this 24/7 SMS hotline for students needing support in responding to antisemitism on college campuses.

Call/text: (202)933-5998

Not On My Campus

Colleges and universities across the U.S. are failing to adequately respond to the volume and intensity of antisemitic incidents on campus.

The Not On My Campus campaign from the ADL is a call to college and university leaders to ensure there is No Tolerance for Antisemitism on their campuses.


Zeta Beta Tau can help

For many years, ZBT has worked to have an integral role in combating campus hate in all forms. The Fraternity as an organization and our brothers as individuals share a duty to stand up to antisemitism and promote Jewish values. Zeta Beta Tau believes that hate unchecked against one community can lead to hate against other communities. Hate has no place in our world.

ZBT strives to create a more inclusive world through proactive educational and community endeavors, and we also work to respond quickly and meaningfully in cases where our brothers, chapters and properties need security or support.

Education is the most important avenue we have to promote inclusivity and stop hate culture. Learn more about the programs and opportunities created within ZBT.

Physical security upgrades

Zeta Beta Tau has a fund available for undergraduates and chapters to request reimbursement for expenditures related to the protection and security of a chapter house/facility or meeting space made after Oct. 7.



  • Chapters will not be permitted to receive more than $1,750 from this fund.
  • This fund can only issue reimbursements, it cannot issue payment for a good or service directly.
  • Brothers can and should submit this form before making any expenditure, however, as the Fraternity can work with you to notify you of what your reimbursement will be.
  • There is flexibility when it comes to what can be funded. You should consult your landlord(s), housing corporation, advisors, Chapter Support Team and entire Executive Board before making purchases and submitting the form.
  • Funds cannot be used for any social functions. (i.e. this fund will not cover security for a party/social event).
  • Funds are limited. If your chapter has the ability to raise funds/cover expenses in house, we ask that you please consider reserving this pool of funds for other chapters in a more significant need.
  • You may be required to meet with a ZBT International Headquarters staff member to be approved to receive funds. Once staff learn of the security issues, threats or concerns related to your specific campus and/or chapter, they have the right to place parameters on the fundable services/items.

Thank you to the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation for supporting the establishment of this fund. If you are interested in financially supporting this security fund or other essential ZBT programs like Combatting Campus Antisemitism, visit

Combatting Campus Antisemitism program

This educational workshop was developed exclusively for Zeta Beta Tau audiences. The presentation explores the history of antisemitism to build context for the ways it still shows up today. It will help you to think critically about your own assumptions, beliefs, biases and values in order to address historic and current inequalities. Combatting Campus Antisemitism is available virtually or in person through a generous grant from the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation, meaning it is a low- or no-cost educational opportunity for chapters. If you are interested in bringing this program to your campus, please complete this form.

An antisemitism-specific version of the Summit Against Hate in was developed after the events of Oct. 7, and it has since been delivered to hundreds of fraternity and sorority members, professionals and campus leaders. To request more information or schedule a session, email Chief of Staff Andrea Benek at

Legal support

Campus Antisemitism Legal Line (CALL)

Any student, family, faculty, or staff member can go to the CALL website or text “CALLhelp” to 51555 to report incidents of antisemitic discrimination, intimidation, harassment, vandalism, or violence that may necessitate legal action.

Examples of situations that may be legal violations, depending on the circumstances, include:

  • Being treated differently or discriminated against because you’re Jewish
  • In-person or online harassment
  • Intentional damage to your property or a physical attack because you’re Jewish

This is not a comprehensive or definitive list. Its purpose is to illuminate a few potential legal issues in order to help you decide whether to request legal review.



The StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department empowers students and community members through a legal response to antisemitism and anti-Zionist activity. StandWithUs also has an incident reporting form.

Many community agencies are working to support college students through difficulties. ZBT is thankful to partner with the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation, Anti-Defamation League, Secure Community Network, Hillel International, university administrations, local volunteers and many others to promote the wellbeing of undergraduate brothers and their friends on campus.

How does your campus respond?

ADL’s Campus Antisemitism Report Card is a tool for students, parents and other stakeholders looking for information about the current state of antisemitism on campus and how particular universities and colleges are responding. The Campus Antisemitism Report Card provides detailed information on the state of antisemitism on campus and how 85 colleges and universities are responding. The locations of many ZBT chapters are represented in this searchable tool: ADL Campus Antisemitism Report Card.