
Service & Philanthropy

Both service and philanthropy are important to brothers of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity.

Service and philanthropy activities are important to the overall development of each of us as members of our communities. The value our organization places on service and philanthropy is evident in the fact that it is referenced in our Mission, Credo and Ritual. They are integral aspects of what it means to be a true ZBT and to represent the values of the Fraternity both within our own organization and in our communities.

For more information or ideas on how to actively engage in service programming, please contact ZBT International Headquarters at or (317) 334-1898.

ZBT has three official philanthropies and one educational partner. Our chapters are highly encouraged to raise funds primarily for the three philanthropies and engage in service on behalf of the educational partner.

Are you from a chapter looking to host a fundraiser soon? ZBT has a partnership with CrowdChange, a platform that allows flexible, secure fundraising for our partners. Cash App is risky — keep your chapter’s money safe!


For help or info, email


Zeta Beta Tau Foundation

The Zeta Beta Tau Foundation is a nonprofit corporation exclusively committed to educational and charitable purposes that assist the Brothers of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. The Foundation assists the Brothers of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity by funding scholarships and academic and leadership programs to maximize their personal development and prepare them to be leaders of society. The scholarships and academic and leadership programs funded by the Foundation enhance the overall value of membership in Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity by complementing the collegiate educational experience.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals was named an official philanthropy of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity in 2002. Since the start of the partnership, your chapters and membership have contributed over $1 million through special events like Get on the Ball and involvement with Miracle Network Dance Marathon on your respective campuses. Here are a few reasons we are in partnership with CMN Hospitals:

  • There are 170 CMN Hospitals across the U.S. and Canada, which means YOUR local CMN Hospital is likely within driving distance from your chapter or campus.
  • The opportunity to visit your local CMN Hospital allows the chance to see the difference and impact you are making in your local community.
  • The partnership through a common cause allows engagement between chapters, regionally, to execute special fundraising projects and events.
  • CMN Hospitals is in partnership with five additional fraternity/sorority partner organizations allowing ZBT chapters the chance to collaborate with other organizations to support the same cause.

CMN Hospitals raises funds for 170 children’s hospitals across the U.S and Canada through unrestricted funds, helping make sure every child receives the best possible care. Unrestricted funds allow the local children’s hospital to fulfill the most urgent needs of their specific hospital and community. When your chapter hosts a fundraising event in your community, every dollar raised through that fundraising initiative will stay in your community. There are ample opportunities for your chapter to support your local CMN Hospital!

Jewish Women International

Inspired by a legacy of progressive women’s leadership and guided by Jewish values, JWI’s mission is to ensure that all women and girls thrive in healthy relationships, control their financial futures and realize the full potential of their personal strengths. JWI will be a strong advocate for and partner in ZBT’s mission and strategic plan to offer top-notch training to our brothers. JWI’s reach extends far beyond just women and Jewish communities and their impact can be felt in diverse communities across the globe.

Learn more on ZBT’s work with JWI at our Healthy Relationships page and support a fundraiser for JWI through CrowdChange.



Gift of Life

Gift of Life Marrow Registry was adopted as a philanthropic partner in 2017 to further the Fraternity’s charitable efforts as part of our Mission and help ZBT brothers have a stronger impact on more lives.

Gift of Life Marrow Registry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Boca Raton, Fla. The organization, established in 1991, is dedicated to saving lives and facilitating bone marrow and blood stem cell transplants for patients with leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood-related diseases.

As an official partner, Gift of Life and ZBT leaders work to facilitate opportunities for brothers to staff donor recruitment drives, 5Ks and fundraising drives, organize community events and provide other opportunities. ZBT hosts Gift of Life swab drives and other opportunities at international events such as International Convention and Regional Officer Institutes. Brothers and chapters are encouraged to host drives and events on their campuses. Learn more.