
Terms & Conditions

Being a brother of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity is a privilege and also a responsibility. When a man chooses to join ZBT, he is affirming that he will represent himself and all brothers in the Fraternity, current and past.

The Fraternity recognizes the positive aspects and potential in an online presence, and it can be a valuable tool for supporting and publicizing the Fraternity.

The Fraternity has, however, set behavioral standards and expectations for its brothers, who are constant representatives of ZBT in their communities and online. Brothers are expected to follow the standard of conduct outlined by their chapters and the International Fraternity.

Online sites, social media and other groups and communications from brothers should never be:

  • Derogatory toward themselves, the Brotherhood or other human beings
  • Racially or ethnically insensitive
  • Condoning of drinking, alcohol use, drugs, smoking or any illegal activity
  • Depicting behavior unbecoming of a ZBT gentleman
  • Profane, lewd or vulgar
  • Representative of pledging or hazing, both of which are practices Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity has abolished
  • Out of line with the individual’s or chapter’s university/campus policies

The onus of monitoring chapter and individual communications falls to the individual user. It is up to each brother to ensure the respectability and safety of his own and his chapter’s online presence.


It is expected that all photos depicting, posted by, or identifying ZBT brothers be in good taste. Photos should not depict nudity, lewd acts or ideas, obscene language or acts, alcohol or appearance of intoxication, drugs or drug use, any illegal acts or other inappropriate materials or themes. This includes photos on chapter, campus or personal media.

Public vs. Private

All contents of web or social media pages, even those set to private, can be found by careful searchers. All items, even those set to private, posted by ZBT brothers and on Fraternity pages must follow the above taste and respect rules.

The Fraternity, as owner and protector of the ZBT brand and trademarks, reserves the right to police and safeguard all uses of the Zeta Beta Tau name and symbols as well as police all concerns or violations of these policies.