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Healthy Relationships

Health and safety is the top priority of ZBT and we are committed to having the best experience possible for all brothers, guests and families. ZBT’s Ritual calls for all brothers to protect their fellow brothers and guests.

ZBT International Headquarters is constantly working to ensure that brothers have a fun, safe and healthy fraternity experience where all brothers are treated as equals and have all the same rights, privileges and responsibilities as any other. The Fraternity prioritizes educating our brothers on the common pitfalls of student life and making healthy decisions. All brothers take part in a brotherhood enrichment program that includes education and relationship building.

ZBT continues to be honored for our work in creating safe environments through our award-winning Safe Smart Dating and Green Light Go! programs.

Safe Smart Dating

One of our key programs is the award-winning Safe Smart Dating, developed in partnership with Sigma Delta Tau Sorority and Jewish Women International, now one of the premier national workshops on dating abuse and sexual assault for the fraternity and sorority community on college campuses. This program helps college students define, identify and prevent dating abuse and sexual violence on campus. Safe Smart Dating is an interactive educational program designed to explore gender norms, define healthy relationships and train participants on how to be active bystanders.

Since its debut in 2013, the program has received a $50,000 grant from the Jewish Social Change Matching Fund and the North American Interfraternity Conference’s Laurel Wreath Award, which is presented to individuals or groups in recognition of their unique programs, community outreach or influence within the fraternal world.

How can I bring Safe Smart Dating to my campus?

ZBT aims to have every chapter hear this program at least once every three years. We work with staff and volunteer facilitators to schedule presentations. Interested in hosting a Safe Smart Dating program on your campus? Reach out to your chapter coach.

Green Light Go!

Green Light: Go! is ZBT’s newest annual chapter-sponsored fundraising event. This program educates participants on sexual assault prevention, consent and healthy relationships. Funds raised from Green Light: Go! support the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation’s Fund for Safe and Healthy Campuses, which allows our partner Jewish Women International to create programs that educate brothers about healthy relationships and bystander intervention. This program positions our men as leaders in changing the culture in their community, a direct reference to our Mission.

In its simplest form, Green Light Go! is a large-scale game of Red Light, Green Light. The popular children’s game serves as a compelling analogy for consent in relationships. Alongside the Red Light, Green Light game itself, ZBT chapters are encouraged to offer additional education on relationship safety and bystander behaviors, such as through an awareness week leading up to the event.

Want to host Green Light Go! on your campus? Reach out to your ZBT staff.