Libby is a graduate of the University of Missouri with a Bachelor of Educational Studies in Family and Consumer Science Education; she then earned a Master of Science degree in Student Affairs Administration at Indiana State University. She was the first female executive director of a men’s fraternity, Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity, before returning to Zeta Beta Tau as Chief Executive Officer. Libby previously served as the Assistant Executive Director of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, Director of Operations for Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, Director of Greek Life at the University of Central Missouri and Director of Greek Life at Mount Union College.
Libby is a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority where she has served as National Vice President of Programming and on the Alpha Epsilon Phi Foundation Board of Trustees as Secretary. She is also active in the great fraternal community where she has served as Director of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors Foundation, a lead facilitator for programs of the North American Interfraternity Conference, member of the Fraternity and Sorority Assessment Coalition Project and volunteer for Circle of Sisterhood.
Libby has been awarded the Riegelman-Jacobs Award for Outstanding Service to the Inferfraternal Community by Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, the Jack L. Anson Award for Interfraternity Excellence from Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity and the Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Fraternity /Sorority Advisors. Libby has achieved the professional credential of Certified Association Executive. Less than 5 percent of association executives hold this distinction.
In her spare time, Libby likes to travel and cook, enjoy the theater and cheer for the Mizzou Tigers!