
ZBT Event Calendar

ZBT is excited to offer a variety of in-person and virtual experiences to support brothers, chapters and communities. We offer virtual programming for brothers and friends of ZBT ranging from drop-in sessions to chat with other brothers, to virtual brotherhood events, leadership events, to panels with different philanthropic organizations. Look through the calendar to see all of our offerings and register for events.


Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights. This eight-day holiday celebrates when the Jewish people reclaimed the Holy Temple, having found oil supposed to only last one day that miraculously lasted […]

Founders Day

Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity was inspired by Richard J. H. Gottheil, a professor of languages at Columbia University and a leader in the early American Zionist movement. On December 29, […]

James E. Greer, Jr. Presidents’ Leadership Academy

The James E. Greer, Jr. Presidents’ Leadership Academy is one of the Fraternity’s premiere leadership programs. The program is intended to be an intensive leadership development program that challenges brothers […]

Virtual Officer Institute


Officer Institutes support student-leaders of all ZBT chapters serving in leadership roles are hosted early each year. VOI sessions will be offered at two times on the same day. Check […]

Advisor Connect


ZBT International Headquarters will be hosting an advisor connect to provide updates, connect brothers to other advisors, answer any questions and address any concerns. If you are a Chapter Advisor […]

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

The United Nations has designated January 27 — the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau — as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. U.N. member states are urged to honor the 6 […]

Advisor Connect


ZBT International Headquarters will be hosting an advisor connect to provide updates, connect brothers to other advisors, answer any questions and address any concerns. If you are a Chapter Advisor […]

February Webinar: All About Plaid

Did you know ZBT offers FREE leadership training and personal development resources in myZBT? Learn about modules and other useful content that’s behind that “Plaid” tab you’ve seen in your […]


Purim is a festive celebration of good triumphing over evil, centering around the Jewish people being saved by Queen Esther when the evil Haman wanted to kill all Jews in […]

Roger Williams Day

On March 22 every year, Zeta Beta Tau proudly celebrates the life and legacy of Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island who was committed to religious freedom and equality. […]

Israel Now: Survivor Stories


Israel Now invites all ZBT Brothers to engage in important conversations about Israel through real-life storytelling and meaningful narratives from inspiring speakers, highlighting our fraternity’s deep connection to Israel. As […]

Advisor Connect


ZBT International Headquarters will be hosting an advisor connect to provide updates, connect brothers to other advisors, answer any questions and address any concerns. If you are a Chapter Advisor […]

ZBT Career Fair (Virtual)


Please join us for a Zeta Beta Tau brothers-only ZBT Career Fair. This virtual career fair will provide opportunities for brothers of ZBT to interact with alumni and alumni-sponsored jobs, […]

March Webinar: Utilizing CrowdChange

Did you know cash apps like Venmo and PayPal are prohibited for chapter use? CrowdChange ( is ZBT’s recommended fundraising platform that allows you to take your philanthropy efforts to […]


More widely observed than any other holiday, Passover celebrates the exodus of the Israelites and redemption after 400 years of Egyptian slavery. It is a week-long major Jewish holiday. During […]

April Webinar: Alumni Engagement Best Practices

Keeping chapter and local alumni updated about chapter business and events can be easier said than done. Attendees will hear best practices from a chapter that does it well, as […]

Yom HaShoah

The State of Israel remembers the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust on YomHaShoah, and it has become a day commemorated by Jewish communities and individuals worldwide. ZBT […]

Advisor Connect


ZBT International Headquarters will be hosting an advisor connect to provide updates, connect brothers to other advisors, answer any questions and address any concerns. If you are a Chapter Advisor […]

Yom Haatzmaut

Yom Haatzmaut is Israel Independence Day, celebrated by Jews worldwide. Fifty years prior to the establishment of the Israeli state in 1948, ZBT’s founders formed a student organization supporting Zionism, […]

2025 International Convention

New Orleans Marriott 555 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA, United States

2025 International Convention will be from July 31 to Aug. 2 in New Orleans. This is the Fraternity’s 113th convention and it serves as a time for both education and […]