ZBT Event Calendar
ZBT is excited to offer a variety of in-person and virtual experiences to support brothers, chapters and communities. We offer virtual programming for brothers and friends of ZBT ranging from drop-in sessions to chat with other brothers, to virtual brotherhood events, leadership events, to panels with different philanthropic organizations. Look through the calendar to see all of our offerings and register for events.
NCBI workshop at Lambda (Case Western)
ZBT will host the National Coalition Building Institute at the Lambda Chapter at Case Western Reserve University. This important training for undergraduates focuses on the intersection of antisemitism and racism […]
Hanukkah program at Beta Phi
University of Pittsburgh brothers will host a Hanukkah program with Chabad including lessons of the stories of Hanukkah, group discussions of the holiday and words from the rabbi. The program […]
Hanukkah dinner at Gamma Mu
Gamma Mu brothers will host a Hanukkah dinner with Hillel of Memphis. The dinner will be preceded by an educational workshop on the origin of Hanukkah, traditions such as lighting […]
Antisemitism education program at Eta Mu
The chapter is partnering with its local synagogue to host a program with live speakers and the viewing of a documentary on antisemitism. Brothers and campus partners will discuss issues […]
James E. Greer, Jr. Presidents Leadership Academy
Lake Wylie, SCFor current and incoming Chapter Presidents: This intensive leadership development program that challenges brothers to create positive change in their chapters and communities by equipping them with the necessary tools […]
Virtual Officer Institute (Day 1)
Safe Smart Dating at Eta Xi
University of North Carolina-Charlotte brothers will host the Safe Smart Dating program with JWI virtually.
Virtual Officer Institute (Day 2)
Antisemitism: Past and Present at Lambda (Case Western Reserve)
The training focuses on teaching brothers the history of antisemitism and Jewish persecution. The goal is to show audiences that antisemitism is not just a modern phenomenon but millennia-old oppression […]
Safe Smart Dating at Beta Phi
University of Pittsburgh brothers will host the Safe Smart Dating program with JWI.
Antisemitism: Past and Present at Delta Xi
The training focuses on teaching brothers the history of antisemitism and Jewish persecution. The goal is to show audiences that antisemitism is not just a modern phenomenon but millennia-old oppression […]
Safe Smart Dating at Delta Omicron
University of Tampa brothers will host Safe Smart Dating, an interactive educational program designed to explore gender norms, define healthy relationships and train participants on how to be active bystanders.
Safe Smart Dating at Eta Kappa
Towson University brothers will host Safe Smart Dating, an interactive educational program designed to explore gender norms, define healthy relationships and train participants on how to be active bystanders.
Safe Smart Dating at Beta Zeta Epsilon
University of Maryland-College Park brothers will host Safe Smart Dating, an interactive educational program designed to explore gender norms, define healthy relationships and train participants on how to be active […]
Standards of Excellence accreditation deadline
New York Area Alumni Association Happy Hour
Stout NYC Penn Station 133 West 33rd St, New York, New YorkJoin brothers on June 23 at Stout NYC at Penn Station for a casual meet-up with networking and brotherhood.
2022 International Convention
2022 International Convention will be from July 14 to 16 at Planet Hollywood on the Las Vegas Strip. This is the Fraternity’s 110th convention and the second time it’s been hosted […]
Southern California Area Alumni Association Event
The Southern California Alumni Association has hosted many successful events, including a monthly luncheon series, a comedy nigh and younger alumni-specific events. Association events are open to all alumni brothers of […]
Simchat Torah
Celebrating the completion of the annual reading of the Torah.
Summit Against Hate for Students
Undergraduate brothers of Zeta Beta Tau will join members of Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority, Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity and Sigma Delta Tau Sorority for virtual hate-prevention programming. https://zbt.org/undergraduates/heritage/summit-against-hate/
Emerging Leaders Institute
YMCA Camp Thunderbird 1 Thunderbird Ln, Lake Wylie, South CarolinaThe Emerging Leaders Institute is a leadership program that focuses on providing leadership education and development to brothers with a focus on brothers within their first two years of brotherhood […]
VOI Session 1
ZoomSunday, January 22: Virtual Officer Institute Operations Directors, Recruitment Directors, Communication Directors, Risk Prevention and Wellness Directors and Standards Directors https://zbt.org/programs/virtual-officer-institutes/ The Virtual Officer Institute is made possible by a […]
VOI Session 2
ZoomSunday, January 29: Virtual Officer Institute Chapter Presidents, Finance Directors, Brotherhood Development Directors, Programming Directors and Chapter Advisors https://zbt.org/programs/virtual-officer-institutes/ The Virtual Officer Institute is made possible by a generous grant […]
Fun with Finance! (Officer Webinar)
ZoomAre you curious how to never be pressed for cash flow? Do your brothers struggle to pay dues? Want to learn more about greekbill and ZBT International Headquarters dues? Then […]
Founders Day (Observed)
Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity was inspired by Richard J. H. Gottheil, a professor of languages at Columbia University and a leader in the early American Zionist movement. On December 29, […]
March Officer Webinar
ZoomPhilanthropy Playbook Calling all Philanthropy Chairs and Programming Directors: Itching to have a larger philanthropic presence on campus? Unsure how to set up a donor drive or fundraising page for […]
Boston Area Alumni Association — Meetup
The association is excited to plan its first event post-pandemic in April 2023! ZBT Meetup Join brothers on April 12 in Back Bay for a casual meet-up with networking and […]
Southern California Area Alumni Association — Break Passover
Celebrate the end of Passover and break bread with brothers at the next Southern California alumni event! This social for all ZBT brothers is coming up next month. Join us […]
April Officer Webinar
ZoomRitual Righteousness Ritual is an important aspect of the Fraternity experience, the tie that binds together brothers across time and geography. Learn more about proper execution and the importance of […]
Passover is a festival of freedom, commemorates the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt, and their transition from slaveryto freedom. The main ritual of Passover is the seder, which occurs on the first two night (in Israel […]
Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
Yom HaShoah, also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day, occurs on the 27th of the Hebrew month of Nisan. Shoah, which means “catastrophe” or “utter destruction” in Hebrew, refers to the atrocities that […]
ZBT’s 125th anniversary, 2023 International Convention
ZBT's 125th anniversary celebration, 2023 International Convention, will be from Aug. 10 to 12 in Manhattan, New York City. This is the Fraternity’s 111th convention and the first time it’s […]
Rosh Hashanah
EverywhereThe Jewish New Year.
Yom Kippur
EverywhereThe Jewish Day of Atonement, the conclusion of the Ten Days of Repentance.
Monthly Officer Webinar: Elections and Officer Transition
ZoomHow to run a successful election, including candidate recruitment and communication. What comes after the election? Transition resources and training.
EverywhereThe Jewish festival of giving thanks for the fall harvest.
Chicago 125th Anniversary Alumni Reception
You are invited to celebrate ZBT's 125th Anniversary at a Chicago Area Alumni reception on October 5, 2023 from 6pm to 8pm CT. No cost to attend; hors d'oeuvres provided […]
Israel Now!
We are proud to offer the Israel Now! program to an in-person experience. As the world’s first Jewish Fraternity, ZBT has a responsibility to be educating our brothers on what […]
Los Angeles 125th Anniversary Alumni Reception
You are invited to celebrate ZBT's 125th Anniversary at a Los Angeles Area Alumni reception on October 12, 2023 from 6pm to 8pm PT. No cost to attend; hors d'oeuvres […]
Summit Against Hate (virtual program)
Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority, Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity, Sigma Delta Tau Sorority and Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity will host a virtual program for students intended for chapter officers and committee […]
ZBT Monthly Webinar: About Your Zeta Beta Tau Foundation
You’ve heard the name, but do you know how strongly they help brothers? The Zeta Beta Tau Foundation (zbtfoundation.org) offers individual academic scholarships, funding for programs, chapter heritage program grants […]
Founders’ Day/ZBT’s 125th Anniversary
Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity was inspired by Richard J. H. Gottheil, a professor of languages at Columbia University and a leader in the early American Zionist movement. On December 29, […]
James E. Greer, Jr. Presidents’ Leadership Academy
YMCA Camp Thunderbird 1 Thunderbird Ln, Lake Wylie, South CarolinaThe James E. Greer, Jr. Presidents’ Leadership Academy is one of the Fraternity’s premiere leadership programs. The program is intended to be an intensive leadership development program that challenges brothers […]