

One of the great benefits of being a brother of Zeta Beta Tau is the richness of our programs and variety of the educational opportunities offered at the local and national levels.

ZBT has programming to help all brothers grow, from new initiates to undergraduate officers to alumni. Whether your interests are leadership, professional development, mentoring, Israel advocacy, personal wellness, study abroad or more, ZBT offers avenues not only to learn but also to connect with brothers from around the globe.

Brothers who have in the past attended ZBT programs say it was some of the best experiences of their lives. Check out more details on these programs by navigating to specific event pages at left or by viewing our Events Calendar for upcoming dates.

Many of ZBT’s programs are supported by the generosity of the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation. Learn more about how you can support these programs at


  • “I have been to multiple ZBT programs, (so I have gotten) to meet tons of brothers from other chapters. That’s one of my favorite parts of ZBT events, seeing how similar I am to brothers from around the country, because we have this common bond through our Fraternity.”

    Zachary P. Flair

    Beta Zeta Epsilon
    University of Maryland-College Park 2018

  • “(After a service-oriented program) I am taking back to my chapter the idea of having a deeper understanding of issues to create more meaningful service in my community. I want to get our chapter more involved in the Jewish community and learn more about Jewish values. It was an amazing experience and changed my perspective on service as well as understanding more about our Fraternity and meeting brothers across the U.S.”

    Jacob A. Frisch

    Case Western Reserve University 2020

  • “ZBT events enable up-and-coming leaders to be successful and to build the tools it takes to be successful within the Fraternity and in life.”

    Adam M. Gardner

    Alpha Alpha
    Purdue University 2015