
Endorsed Programs


ZBT is proud to provide brother education through our partner, Plaid, to offer online education in topics such as health, mental health, safety, and risk management to all undergraduate brothers and chapter advisors. These courses can be accessed by signing into myZBT.

ASTP: Alcohol Skills Training Program

ASTP is a harm reduction program that provides chapters with an opportunity to have an open and honest discussion about habits and patterns experienced among their brothers and greater community. ASTP is a discussion-based program that uses an approach to alcohol education that is non-judgmental, non-confrontational and meets members where they are in terms of readiness to change their behaviors.

Lobbying in Washington, D.C.

ZBT sends brothers to the U.S. Capitol in the spring to lobby with the North American Interfraternity Conference on behalf of Greek students in areas such as campus safety, fair housing and equality issues.

Our work with Jewish Women International (JWI) also affords brothers opportunities to call for reform in areas related to healthy relationships and campus safety.

For questions about these opportunities, email Chief Executive Officer Libby Anderson, CAE,  or call her at (317) 334-1898.


The Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute is a three-day institute that brings together fraternity men and sorority women from across North America to create opportunities to explore, define and enhance their leadership skills, personal awareness, commitment to their fraternity or sorority, and grow to expect values based action from themselves and those they lead. At UIFI, you will be given the skills to improve your own leadership abilities and positively affect your chapter, council and community.  UIFI is facilitated by the Association for Fraternal Leadership and Values (AFLV). Learn more.

ZBT offers scholarships fund the complete program fee for brothers who are selected. For questions about the program,  contact Chief Experience Officer Ricky Kirby at


ZBT partners with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to provide many opportunities for Israel education and promotion. Annually we send brothers to the AIPAC Policy Conference, the largest gathering of pro-Israel Americans, in March. It’s an opportunity for brothers to meet students from around the country and network with other campus delegates with a similar mindset while growing the bonds of brotherhood through this important Mission-driven work.