
Get on the Ball

Get on the Ball was started by the Zeta Beta Tau Brothers of the Beta Zeta Epsilon Chapter at the University of Maryland – College Park. Designed to create a fun, worthwhile way of raising funds for charity, this event quickly became not only a chapter favorite but also something that the campus community at the university looked forward to each year.

In its simplest form, Get on the Ball is the process of rolling a ball 6 feet in diameter around campus to collect signatures for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Funds can be raised in a number of ways, including:

  • Pledges from surrounding businesses to donate a set amount of money per signature on the ball.
  • Donations from businesses to sponsor the event.
  • Donations to specific areas of the event such as T-shirts or the purchase of the ball.
  • Donations from individual signees at the time of signing the ball.

More ideas and instructions for chapters are available in our Get on the Ball Guide.


Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has been one of our official philanthropy of ZBT’s since 2002.

Start fundraising here!