
Inspire the college choice in high school seniors

Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity and Zeta Beta Tau Foundation have joined with a diverse group of fraternities and fraternity alumni to offer a new financial aid opportunity to high-schoolers, the Men’s College Scholarship, which will award $50,000 in academic scholarships this year to inspire college attendance and educational success by young men.

This program is targeted to high school seniors and not available to current undergraduate ZBTs. It is separate from the scholarships offered through the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation.

Please share the application info about the Men’s College Scholarship with male high school seniors in your family or circle of friends!

  • Must be a graduating high school senior in the United States who is enrolling in a four-year undergraduate college program that commences in the fall.
  • Must identify as male.
  • Current or future membership in a fraternity is not required.

Men are going to college with less frequency than in the past, and not persisting to graduation at the same rates as women. At the close of the previous academic year, men only comprise 40.5% of undergraduate students, significantly lower than women’s enrollment, according to National Student Clearinghouse data. U.S. colleges and universities overall had 1.5 million fewer students last year compared with five years ago, and men account for 71% of the decline.

A college education is important and opens the door to the many potential benefits to the individual — such as the opportunity to grow through fraternity membership! As you know, fraternities are an accelerator for success in college and beyond. We encourage you to share this information with high school seniors today!

Deadline for applications is April 1, 2022.


The scholarship is awarded through our partners at Foundation for Fraternal Excellence.


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