
Update regarding allegations against ZBT’s Kappa Chapter at Cornell University

After becoming aware of an alleged incident involving our Kappa Chapter at Cornell University in fall 2017, Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity immediately opened our own investigation and hired an independent, third-party investigator to look into the matter. While the University held the chapter responsible and imposed sanctions, it became evident that the University’s decision was based upon incomplete information. When we discussed this with Cornell administrators in the spring, they reviewed their findings and our third-party report and concluded that their initial statement misrepresented the findings. The University did not find any evidence that the alleged “contest” had occurred and issued a revised statement on its website.

While Zeta Beta Tau was pleased that the University did not find evidence that the alleged “contest” occurred, the Fraternity takes all allegations of misconduct very seriously and has a number of programs designed to educate our members on this important topic. We will continue to enhance our efforts in helping our men understand the essentials of a healthy relationship while never tolerating the mistreatment of any brother or guest within our chapters.

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