
ZBT Event Calendar

ZBT is excited to offer a variety of in-person and virtual experiences to support brothers, chapters and communities. We offer virtual programming for brothers and friends of ZBT ranging from drop-in sessions to chat with other brothers, to virtual brotherhood events, leadership events, to panels with different philanthropic organizations. Look through the calendar to see all of our offerings and register for events.

Israeli Soldiers Share Stories

Israeli Shlomi Edelshtein and CPT Barak A. Raz, Eta Epsilon (Binghamton University- State University of New York) 2005 will share about their experiences being in the Israeli Defense Forces. Register here.

Marketing and Branding

This session will talk about how to use social media to increase your insights and reach while also growing your own ZBT brand.  Register here.

Advisor Roundtable

This is a time specifically for advisors to come together and discuss trends or challenges in their chapters or their own advising experiences. Register here.

So, you want to become a doctor?

Medical school student Scott Landman, Epsilon Delta (Binghamton University - State University of New York) 2019, Dr. Zachary Nahmias, Gamma Mu (University of Memphis) 2010 and Dr. Yoaav Krauthammer, Lambda […]

Networking for Recruitment Success

This session talks about expanding your network for further success and how to utilize your networking for a stronger recruitment yield. Register here.

Job Searching and Prep

Ian Davidson, Alpha Delta (University of Southern California) 2005, VP of Business Strategy at Zip Recruiter, is passionate about how technology can improve our lives and how people build their […]

Advisor Roundtable

This is a time specifically for advisors to come together and discuss trends or challenges in their chapters or their own advising experiences. Register here.  

ZBTalk Podcast Launch

ZB...Talk is a podcast series produced by the ZBT Foundation that highlights some of the many amazing stories about the brothers of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. Join us as we […]

COVID-19: Successful Strategies for Fraternity Housing

Join us as we partner with Alpha Management to cover topics such as new cleaning protocols, food service operations, operating policies for when the chapter house re-opens, financial strategies (member […]

Roster Refresh

Open session for Presidents/Operations Directors to join for help with roster updates, membership statuses, or any other questions related to Vault. Register here.   

ZBT Brotherhood and Ritual Night

The ZBT Ritual unites all ZBT brothers. All brothers get to experience first-hand the ideals and vision of the Fraternity and gives us ideals to aspire to. Join Nate Fox, […]

Stress Management and Finding Calm

The world today is challenging and has an impact on our bodies, minds, and stress levels. Join us for an evening in partnership with the Blue Dove Foundation as we […]


Do you think you are smarter than your brothers? Now is your chance to prove it. Teams will be pre-set from registration and will be a mix of alumni and […]

College Prep with ZBT

Join undergraduate ZBT brothers to hear what they wish they knew before they started college as well as a few tips and tricks about getting involved and establishing your community. […]

Social Responsibility: A Call to Action

Social Responsibility: Fraternity requires the individual to commit himself and accept his responsibility to participate. With the current harm being done to people in the Black community, our Credo calls […]

Advisor Training: Recruitment Prep

Become more prepare to support your chapter or colony in preparing them for recruitment in the Fall. We will also discuss trends and what ZBT HQ is seeing from campuses […]

Meet the brothers of ZBT

Join ZBT brothers in a great opportunity to meet undergraduate brothers on the campus you will be starting on in the Fall. (For incoming College freshmen or non-greek students) Register […]

Roster Refresh and Managing Data

Open session for Presidents/Operations Directors to join for help with roster updates, membership statuses, or any other questions related to Vault. Will also learn best practices in managing data and […]

ZBT and the Jewish Community on Campus

Join Jewish community partners on college campuses who can share more about the Jewish community on college campuses and how ZBT is able to support Jewish life. Register here. 

(Re)Learning How to Talk to Each Other

Want to stay relevant in an ever-changing world? People are demanding we acknowledge, pay attention to, and care about one another. Lots of people want to jump to the concepts […]

Social Media- Planning for Fall

Messaging and social media matter now more than ever. With so many virtual experiences, it is critical you have a plan. We will learn how to utilize video/social media to […]

ZBT from Home- Finances 101: Fraternity and Personal

ZBT Finances are important now more than ever.  Learn ideas, tips and tricks on how to create and manage your budgets, what is the minimum requirements to navigate your position […]