Coming soon — New myZBT interface

Feb. 1 update
The new portal is now live! Click here to sign up. Every ZBT brother will need to establish a new account.
About the new myZBT
ZBT has offered a great innovative database and communication tool for 10 years — but it’s time for an upgrade. We will now operate in a Salesforce environment, allowing our brothers and guests the latest and greatest technology for online communications, event registration, financial management and chapter operations.
You will use myZBT to:
- Update your personal contact information
- Refresh chapter and officer rosters
- Stay connected with the International Fraternity and your chapter
- View upcoming events and announcements
- And more!
Look for an invite in your inbox in February. Portal invitations will first be sent to Executive Boards who can then invite chapter brothers. You also can log in here.
We are excited to work in partnership with ChapterSpot in providing ZBTs the best customer service possible.
Is your chapter in need of financial management assistance?
ZBT International Headquarters also has established a new partnership with Greekbill to allow chapters to manage brothers’ dues, view and pay bills, see chapter expenses and more. Learn more (PDF).
If you are interested in adopting Greekbill, contact Shelley Laflin at
Previous update (Jan. 14)
ZBT International Headquarters is excited to announce we are launching a new online portal for brothers in the next month! As with all upgrades, however, some disruption of services is necessary. The Zeta Beta Tau organization staffers are here to help through the change process.
After Jan. 14, 2022, myZBT will not be available to chapter officers, volunteers and brothers.