
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day …

We remember— and we speak up. Never Forget. Never Again.

Jan. 27 is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. As an organization committed to Intellectual Awareness and Social Responsibility, we work toward stopping all forms of hate. Holocaust education is a critical component of antisemitism prevention.

  • Smithsonian Channel is airing a special, The Hate We Can’t Forget: A Holocaust Memorial Special, on Jan. 31. The special also can be viewed here.
  • These profound Holocaust survivor testimonials from Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center. Click here.
  • Also available from Yad Vashem is a Virtual Tour of the exhibition “Shoah” at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.
  • Zeta Beta Tau Foundation recently hosted a virtual program called Never Forget…Never Again: A program on the Holocaust, a powerful discussion with people who have dedicated their careers to sharing Holocaust survivor testimonies and providing belated justice for victims of the Holocaust.

Visit your library or favorite online book retailer for these essential reads.

  • The Diary of Anne Frank, also, visit the virtual Anne Frank House
  • Night by Elie Wiesel
  • Maus by Art Spiegelman (graphic novel)
  • The Boy in the Striped Pajamas novel by John Boyne, or watch the movie on Hulu
  • Check out a variety of resources at the U.S. Holocaust Museum. ZBT was fortunate to attend as a group in 2014 and we encourage brothers in the area or visiting Washington D.C. to plan a trip.
  • Undergraduate Chapters can contact ZBT’s Director of Heritage Education and Partnerships Jason Horowitz about Chapter Heritage Grant opportunities like visiting a local holocaust museum.
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