2018 Scholarship Applications Now Open

Scholarship applications for the 2018 Zeta Beta Tau Foundation scholarship program are now open. Applications must be completed and submitted no later than February 28, 2018.
Please apply now for a 2018 Zeta Beta Tau Foundation scholarship and encourage each of your fellow chapter or colony brothers to do the same.
The Zeta Beta Tau Foundation marked 2017 with a $10,000 scholarship, our largest awarded. We are very proud to have grown from a single $250 scholarship to the current level of more than 25 scholarships per year totaling over $50,000. The loyal and continued support of our donors has allowed the Zeta Beta Tau Foundation to award more than $1,600,000 in scholarships to deserving brothers like yourself.
All ZBT undergraduate brothers can apply for a scholarship. If you have any questions, please contact us at scholarships@zbtnational.org.