

Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity is governed by a Constitution and Code. These governing documents outline the function of the Fraternity and set the standards for brothers. The Fraternity also has adopted supplementary policies that uphold the tenets of our Mission, Credo and Ritual.

ZBT Position Statements

ZBT Policies

Risk Prevention


North-American Interfraternity Conference Guidelines

Brotherhood Quality Standards

Having reasonable standards for each brother is critical for the survival and success of any fraternity. Chapters and prospective chapters should review and discuss these standards each semester. Brotherhood Quality Standards ensure that brothers earn the privilege to be ZBTs. Brothers also know what they can expect of one another, thus promoting unity.  These Standards are included in the Code. Download and save the Brotherhood Quality Standards (PDF).

I.  Quality Brothers abide by the law. Each Brother must abide by all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

II. Quality Brothers are responsible men, who handle their own affairs; they do not ask or permit their parents or guardians to handle their affairs for them.

III. Quality Brothers do not discriminate against, abuse, or mistreat any person on the basis of sexual identity, race, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation. Quality Brothers respect the dignity of all people.

IV. Quality Brothers abide by the tenets of the Fraternity, including the Ritual and the Credo. Every Brother must attend each Ritual performed by the Chapter or Prospective Chapter (Initiation, College of Honors, Graduation), unless excused at least 48 hours in advance by established Chapter procedure.

V. Quality Brothers practice academic integrity. Quality Brothers must be in good standing with their college or university. Brothers under a 2.7 on a 4.0 scale must obtain on-campus academic assistance.

IVI. Quality Brothers do not physically, mentally, psychologically or sexually abuse or haze any human being. Brothers found to have been involved in hazing are subject to immediate expulsion from the Fraternity. Other abusive behavior (toward Brothers or non-Brothers) is a violation of the Ritual and Credo, and subject to severe disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.

VII. Quality Brothers do not put other Brothers or other people in harm’s way. Quality Brothers of housed Chapters provide at least two hours per month of work to maintain, clean, and repair the Chapter house. Quality Brothers attend an annual risk management seminar to learn how to keep ZBT a safe place. Every Brother is responsible for ensuring safe conditions at all ZBT related events and functions.

VIII. Quality Brothers do not tolerate the abuse of property.

IX. Quality Brothers pay their semester dues prior to the start of the academic period, or according to a payment plan agreed to (in advance and in writing) by the Chapter Finance Director.

X. Quality Brothers neither use nor support the use of illegal drugs. Quality Brothers neither misuse nor support the misuse of alcohol. Use, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs on Chapter or Prospective Chapter property or at any event associated with the Fraternity is grounds for immediate expulsion. Quality Brothers must comply with all local and state alcohol laws.

XI. Quality Brothers contribute a minimum of one hour per week for general Chapter work, as assigned and announced by Chapter officers, unless temporarily excused by Chapter officers. Missed hours must be made up within the same semester.

XII. Quality Brothers attend and/or participate in:

  • All requirements as described above
  • All regular Chapter or Prospective Chapter meetings
  • All events deemed as mandatory or emergency by the Chapter or Prospective Chapter President or Executive Committee
  • At least one Chapter or Prospective Chapter committee
  • At least one non-Chapter or Prospective Chapter campus activity (or part-time job)
  • All mandatory education sessions announced at least two weeks in advance

XIII. Quality Brothers abide by these standards and will confront those who violate them. Brothers who are found to be aware of violations of these standards and who did not confront the violator are subject to the same sanction as the offending Brother.

Submit a question about or issue with Zeta Beta Tau’s governance policies to ZBT International Headquarters.